Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Notes from Chicago


Did anyone see me during my press conference in Chicago? I thought I did pretty well. Notice the red tie? (heh heh). For the record, I did not "dash" away to duck questions. An aide signaled me that I had a phone call and I thought it might be from El Jefe. Alas, it wasn't.

No worries, I am sure he will call me tomorrow.

“Unless you can find some sort of loyalty, you cannot find unity and peace in your active living”


Anonymous said...

yeah, nice tie, but it looks a little tighter than usual, verdad?
from a verry distant "admirer?",
john a. chambers

Anonymous said...

yeah, nice tie, but it looks a little tighter than usual, verdad?
from a verry distant "admirer?",
john a. chambers

Anonymous said...

Chin up little guy.


PS. did you know people are calling you Fredo?

Anonymous said...

you might want to shop for a shirt to go with a tie that knots in the back.